Elephant Condom 大象安全套
Elephant Delay Wipes/Tissue for Man (3 Pcs)
- Regular price
- RM 15.50
- Sale price
- RM 15.50
- Regular price
RM 22.50
» Safe and natural ingredients extracted from plants and traditional herbs.
» Gentle formula. No anaphylaxis and No numbness.
» Mini size and portable design, easy to carry and use.
» 提取纯正植物精华及中药成分,放心安全使用。
» 温和配方,拒绝麻醉。
» 独立单片包装,随身携带随时作战。
• Way to Use: 30-40 minutes before sex (foreplay), take out a wipe and evenly wipe it on the penis head (glans), one piece each time.
• 使用方法: 房事(前戏)前30-40分钟,取出湿巾均匀擦拭在男性生殖器的阴茎头(龟头),每次一片。
√ Tips:
- It is easier to absorb after rinsing the glans with warm water.
- Use it when erect for better results.
√ 小秘诀:
- 用温水冲洗龟头后使用,更容易吸收。
- 勃起时使用,效果更佳。
■ Product name: Elephant Delay Wipes for Men
■ Categories: 3pcs / Box
■ Ingredient: Purified water, Non-woven fabric, Propylene glycol, Ethanol, Herbal extracts (Snake bed, Horny goat weed, Propolis, Clove, Epimedium), PE9010.
■ 品名: 大象幻久湿巾
■ 分类: 1盒 / 3片
■ 成分:纯化水、水刺无纺布、 丙二醇、乙醇、蛇床子提取物、锁阳提取物、蜂胶提取物、丁香提取物、淫羊藿提取物、PE9010。
** Everyone's physique is different, the effect may vary from person to person.
** 因每个人的体质不同,效果可能会因人而异。

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